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  1. Complete the form below.

  2. Make your dues payment by using PayPal or Credit Card by clicking the yellow Make Dues Payment button below.

  3. If you paid as in #2 above, just click the blue Submit Application button below and you are done.

  4. If you would rather pay by check, then print the completed from below, and send the printed copy of the form along with your $30.00 check made out to TYP356ne to the membership chair:

Carl Luck Typ356NE 

Membership Chairperson

50 Sunset Lane

Lunenburg, MA  01462-2178

Phone: 508.451.6680  email:


We will review your application upon receipt of your PayPal or check payment and printed or electronically submitted application.


Use this link to pay your $30.00 yearly dues via PayPal:






Thanks! Message sent.

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