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Hello 356 Fan;


We're glad the word on Typ 356 Northeast found its way to you.


ABOUT OUR CLUB: Typ 356 NE is a regional affiliate of the 356 Registry. Our club sponsors a number of social, technical, and driving events each year, and encourages its members to participate as a group in other vintage and Porsche events held throughout New England. The club hosts an annual Winter Celebration, Spring Tour, numerous drives, plus social events and tech sessions.


Membership is open to those who appreciates the Porsche Type 356. Membership in the 356 Registry or the PCA is not necessary, and you do not need to be a 356 owner to join. Dues are $30 for the calendar year. Membership includes a subscription to The Tub Times, the club's newsletter, access to our web-site plus our "members@" e-mail service and admission to all club events.  The Club liability insurance policy does not cover the use of drones. Therefore, the Club Board of Directors has established the policy that the use of drones is not allowed at Club events.  


For more information about the club, contact Carl Luck -


To join us please complete the Online Application Form shown below and then mail in your paperwork along with your membership check (the address is on the form). Upon receipt of your club dues we will send you a Typ356 Northeast New Member Information Package, connect you to our active group and welcome you to our events.

We have numerous events scheduled and we hope you can attend soon.



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